you tired of drinking water filled with chemicals and toxins? Believe it or not, this is a common issue faced by many. But fear not, because there’s a solution: Shungite Water.
Water pollution has a significant impact on humans, as we all know. Our bodies are more than 70% water, and we need water for drinking, cooking, washing, planting, and so many other basic tasks. It is vital that we have access to clean, oxidized, mineralized water that heals us, not harms us.
Scheme water
It is subjected to being pumped through pipes by electric motors which are generating intense electromagnetic fields creating a “dead” water that we ingest, having a negative effect on our bodies. This leads to an increase in the proliferation of free radicals in our drinking water, contributing to cellular aging. Not good!
Shungite is an unusual natural creation that not only cleans the environment, but also purifies, cleanses and heals our bodies. In addition to being natural and infinitely reusable, it is also environmentally friendly. There are numerous uses for Shungite, including consumption, application topically, wear as jewellery, use in agriculture, and much more.
The most unique and rare of all natural materials, SHUNGITE was formed more than 2 billion years ago. The stone comes from ancient deposits near Lake Onega in the Shun’ga area of Russia’s Karelia region. This is the only place in the world where Shungite is mined in its pure form.

Peter the Great
In the 18th century, Peter the Great discovered the healing benefits of Shungite water. After discovering that his soldiers recovered from illness and injury faster after drinking water from a nearby spring, which ran through the Shungite deposit, Peter built them a spa.

The health benefits of this supplement have been demonstrated in numerous studies in the past few years. After drinking the water, cancer patients’ blood panels returned to normal in two to three weeks, compared to three to four months for the control group.
Known for its incredible benefits, it has been used for years in Karelia, Russia, to ensure that locals were getting the cleanest possible water. Shungite has been proven to eliminate almost all organic compounds, metals, bacteria and harmful microorganisms in water. It also reduces chlorine compounds, nitrates, copper, magnesium, iron, and even cleans up visually dirty water, leaving no taste.
What’s even more impressive is that the Shungite Water Filter process has been shown to reduce the concentration of harmful bacteria in water by up to 900%!
It’s time to make your health a top priority and switch to Shungite Water for a cleaner, healthier lifestyle.
Numerous books, papers, studies, and articles have been published about the benefits of Shungite since the 1990s. A conference was even held to celebrate Shungite, known as the “Mineral of the 21st Century”.
The property of Shungite to kill pathogenic bacteria, remove pesticides and pharmaceuticals from water, and absorb various other organic and inorganic toxins, as well as heavy metals, is now widely accepted.
Shungite enriches water with oxygen and fills it with minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium.
Natural Shungite stone is infused into the water. Known for its potent healing properties, Shungite stone can only be found in one place on earth. Shungite acts as a natural filter and purifier, removing harmful impurities and enhancing the quality of water.
Health benefits of Shungite Water
Include boosting the immune system, improving digestion, and promoting general well-being. You can drink it straight or use it in cooking or other beverages for a smooth, refreshing taste. Drinking Shungite water is a natural and effective way to ensure that you are consuming the best possible water, while also providing your body with minerals and nutrients.

To make Shungite water it is an easy process.
All you need is some Shungite, a container and some water. Shungite Masters has different types of Shungite that you can use as your Shungite Water Filter. Elite Shungite can be used in the ratio of 50 grams per 1 litre of water. Regular Shungite is recommended to be used in the ratio of 100 grams per 1 litre.
To prepare 1 litre of Shungite Water please follow these simple steps.
- Wash your Shungite to remove any dust and loose material under the tap.
- Place place the Shungite in a glass container or water jug.
- Let stand for 48-72 hours
- Ready to drink – easy
We use a Brita water filter and keep it in the fridge. It is a larger variety and holds about 5 litres. We place Elite Shungite in the bottom receptacle. We will the water filter from the top, allowing the Brita filter to remove the big nasty bits. Then we let the Shungite do its magic.
Drinking one glass a day is recommended.
Ideally, if you are healthy. It is recommended that you drink 2 to 3 glasses of water a day if you are in poor health or recovering from sickness. Take a weeklong break from drinking water once a month. Shungite, even elite, may contain trace amounts of metals such as lead and mercury, according to a couple studies. You should therefore limit your consumption of shungite water to one or two glasses per day. Although overly cautious, I think you should be cautious since your shungite water isn’t being chemically analysed.
Shungite will never take on a negative charge, so there is no need to cleanse your stones. Every 3 to 4 months, place them outside in the sun for a few hours to keep them physically clean. Every two years, we recommend replacing the stones. Your plants will benefit from the stones if you throw them in the garden.
We supply our Shungite in bags. The Shungite can be tipped out of the bags and put into a water jug.
If you are making a Shungite Water Bottle
As the Shungite is quite small, there is a choking hazard if you drink directly out of a water bottle with loose Shungite in the bottle. We advise against putting loose Shungite directly into your water bottle, unless you are using a straw type bottle or some other bottle where you will not have direct contact with the Shungite.
Shungite Water Capsules
We also see Premium Elite Shungite Powder in a capsule for making a litre of water. You can read more here.